Taking good care of your investment you need to occasionally apply this inside your ball lock and around the gasket surrounding your post connection for a smooth fitting while removing and taking off
- FOOD SAFE MACHINE LUBRICANT - Billy Buckskin Co Lubri-Whiz Plus Food Safe Machine Lubricant, designed for commercial kitchens food machines. Lubri-Whiz Plus Lube works great on soft serve machines and meat slicers
- KEEPS YOUR SOFT SERVE MACHINES HEALTHY - Billy Buckskin Co Lubri-Whiz Plus Lube is designed to be long lasting and reduce friction. Using this lube on your soft serve machines will keep them operating and healthy
- EXTENDED PERFORMANCE - Billy Buckskin Co Lubri-Whiz Plus Machine Lube uses a special formula that allows it to last much longer. Designed for longer lubrication intervals. lubricant wears evenly on all moving parts
- REDUCES FRICTION - The Lubri-Whiz Plus by Billy Buckskin Co. wears evenly on all moving parts, preventing metal-to-metal contact and equipment damage. This lube will not dry or gum on equipment
- MADE IN THE USA WITH FDA INGREDIENTS - All Billy Buckskin Co. products are made in the USA with FDA ingredients. This lube is NSF certified H1